Tuesday 31 May 2016

World's Apart

न म स का र  ! Hello WORLD
World's Apart.....

World's apart is described With illustrate of World Going through Crises i.e(Immigration, War, Global Warming, Drought, Poverty, Famine, Global Economic Crises, Political Instability).
Meanwhile Half of population of World is under poverty the world leaders are engage in their politics with people left behind with marks. The Crisis in Iraq and Syria are Worst then World War Crises. No means are able to help the drought hit people.Various World Organizations got enough fund to defend drought hit areas but no progress concerned.Another concern is global warming,many people including those from Republican Majority Texas and other states are not concerned about global warming, they think god built everything so it doesn't matter, it matter's many of African countries receive less than average of rainfall the temperature goes 50 to 60 degrees summers .We should think about it, recently there was huge forest fire in Canada where thousand's of people were displaced.What do you think is this just god made calamities, no it's not! it's human made.
                                           Total Chaos while middle East under tremendous pain,Large Gap between Saudi's and Iranian's, while to the Asia North Korea Provoking Nukes threats to world, the Life of Commoner leaves in a small jar with no paradise. In 2016 Brexit  lead a narrow gap between Europe and UK, with majority of northern Ireland voted against Brexit.
                                                                     US just Elected a president Donald Trump who  has no Understanding of Climate Change and the World Economy he just thinks of his close one's, cutting budget for environment means Cutting his own throat with his own hands. Leaning towards anti Climate change policies, while letting number of hazardous Industries accompany more Natural Resources, Donald trump must wake up and determine the world issues not just his own country issues, because 40% of world economy is determined to US measures.
Meanwhile in Middle East Assad Regime just used Chemical Weapons Against Common citizen most of them were children and elderly people, just disgusting fact and guess whose helping them (Russia). France is going through a rough time with ISIS head's up in Paris, this will rip France in two major factions with different Religions (majorly Christians and Muslims) and cause a major instability in near Future.
                                                                    There was debate in US House Rep for Health Care Act which will destroy millions of lives in no fraction of seconds because it will cost more for premium health-care plan for common people. Many politicians are still divided over this Health Care Act , but they don't know the common people are suffering because of there inappropriate decisions, this health Care Act will only benefit rich people.                                                       
Crackdown on Immigration and Family Separation in United States 2018:

In month of June trump announced zero tolerance immigration policy towards illegal immigrants staying in united states. The police ICE Immigration Customs Enforcement raided undocumented immigrants and were force to detention center separating their children s and families. This step was not welcomed by number of democrats and some republicans but trump refused to back down, with mounting pressure from people and protesters trump signed the bill separating children s from parents, but 2000 children which were already locked up in cage in immigration center were not released from camps yet.

Jamal Khashoggi Case 2018:

A prominent Saudi journalist Jamal khashoggi was killed in Saudi consulate in Turkey, which was widely seen as premeditated murder on order of Crown prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. Though Saudi first denied but later it was confirmed Jamal was infact killed and dismembered in consulate by a team of 15 Saudi nationals arriving on scene from private jets.
        On the other hand US president Donald trump denied abandoning weapons deals worth billions deal as sanctions on Saudi Arabia. Fortunately German chancellor Angela Merkel stood firm on sanctions on Saudi Arabia. It was unfortunate as Canada's progressive prime minister Justin Trudeau didn't cancel the weapons deal with Saudi Arabia as a part of sanctions on Saudi counterpart.
In this whole situation Turkey's president Erdogan took his stance to pressure Saudi Arabia and gain momentum as it was going to severe economic crises.It should be seen as western countries are more often avoiding situation's like this and they are more leaned towards money.

COVID-19 China's take:

Reports of COVID-19 was first surfaced in China's city of WUHAN population of over 11 million people, but it was note worthy to look at ITALY's 2019 situation, it was reported that COVID was already been developed cluster in Italy which was not known among citizens of italy but there are many cases which developed high fever and symptoms of coronavirus in Italy and china.
It can be confirmed whether the virus was spread to Italy through China but it should be considered that many Chinese tourist visited Italy in 2019, so there are possibilities of virus spread from country to country.

USA lookout for COVID-19 pandemic:

Initially number of experienced doctor's tried to warn US president Donald Trump on coronavirus impact but at that point US president considered current cases in USA which were below 100 and thought this might be of less dangerous, but soon after realizing the growth of COVID-19 he did sign a bill of over Billion dollars, but it was to late and numbers rose over million in US alone really sad but this all scenario played a role of movies like someone is trying to acknowledge the spread the virus but the authority is ignoring all signs of COVID-19. This was a worst chapter in human history where millions of people were infected with this virus and governments were not ready for this situation. This led to lot of in between moves which caused lot of lives.

USA Presidential Elections September 2020: 

As elections are proceeding nearer the Democrats and Republicans are facing number of issues within their parties for lobbying for policies. The killing of young black man in Minneapolis gave rise to movements like #BLACKLIVESMATTER, left wing ANTIFA, these protest were widely covered around world as most of things under COVID-19 pandemic were at standstill. Number of politicians tired to take advantage of these protests some of they were forced to recognized black people brutality. There were number of calls to defunct entire Police units but it was not in ballpark of politicians. It will noteworthy to see Democrats Presidential Candidate Joe Biden will try to lure white people in this current situation, he will openly support black people but at some extent he will also try to lure white people for upcoming elections.

YEMEN humanitarian crises:

As we all know the current situation the country is divided between two fractions Iran backed Houthi rebels and Saudi backed Yemeni government, guess what the citizens are in between these religious war. Every country in middle east try to improvise relations with Yemen but it is worthy to note that neither the Saudis and Iranian what peace they are only fighting to control Yemen with proxy wars.
As you know Saudis are supported by US and Iran is supported by Russia, you will get clearer picture who wants the piece of cake. On one side RUSSIA, IRAN and on other side US, Saudi Arabia and in between the actual citizens/stakeholder of YEMEN. The only solutions here is to bring UN peace keeping in yemen and sort the things out.

Soon I will be publishing my first book titled WORLD'S APART 
Contact :-gunawarekumar0710@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +91-9970202610